Webinar Videos
Ways to pass the ASWB social work licensure exams with new review materials from Dr. Dawn Apgar
Presented by Dr. Dawn Apgar. For more information, please visit springerpub.com/apgar.
Launch Event: Equal Access for Students with Disabilities
With Lisa M. Meeks PhD, Neera R. Jain PhD, MS, CRC and Elisa Laird JD, the editors of Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: The Guide for Health Science and Professional Education, Second Edition.
Note- The recording includes closed captioning. In addition, a 25% discount code (BOOKCLUB25) is offered to purchase-Equal Access for Students with Disabilities, 2E. To learn more about the book, visit springerpub.com/Meeks.
Career and Employment Counseling of People with Disabilities (PWD) in the COVID and Post-COVID World: Five Things You Need to Know
Presented by David R. Strauser, Ph.D., author of Career Development, Employment, and Disability in Rehabilitation.
How the Tasks of Mourning are Influenced by COVID Deaths
Hosted Dr. J. William Worden, PhD, ABPP, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Worden is the author of Grief Counseling & Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner, 5th Edition.
Problem-Solving in Healthcare: How to teach the mindset, methods, and tools
With Sandra Potthoff, PhD and Justine Mishek, MHA co-authors of Applied Problem-Solving in Healthcare Management.
Selecting Case Studies for Healthcare Quality Management
With Zachary Pruitt, PhD, MHA, CPH, FACHE, Candace S. Smith, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, and Eddie Pérez-Ruberté, MS, co-authors of Healthcare Quality Management: A Case Study Approach.