Webinar Videos
Student Loan Best Practices: What Everyone with Student Loan Debt Should Know
Presented by Kellen Williams, Business Development at Laurel Road.
How to Transition From Practice to Policy
With Rebecca Patton DNP, RN, CNOR, FAAN, former President of ANA and editor of Nurses Making Policy.
Adverse Childhood Experiences: How ACEs Effect Residents in Nursing Homes
Presented by Elise Beaulieu PhD, MSW, LICSW, the author of A Guide for Nursing Home Social Workers, Third Edition.
Healing Addiction with EMDR Therapy: Redefining Care for the 21st Century
Presented by Jamie Marich PhD, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, REAT, RYT-200, RMT, and Stephen Dansiger PsyD, MFT, the authors of Healing Addiction with EMDR Therapy.
Health Care System Financing: What’s COVID Got To Do With It?
Presented by the coauthor of Jonas' Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System, Ninth Edition, Benjamin Z. Goldsteen, MBA.
Teaching Legal Concepts to Public Health Students: Rethinking Our Approach
Presented by the editors of Public Health Law: Concepts and Case Studies, Montrece McNeill Ransom, JD, MPH, ACC and Laura Magaña Valladares, PhD, with special guest, APHA Executive Director, Georges C. Benjamin, MD