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"The book is wonderful for rationales to the quiz questions. Both the book and the app have been valuable tools while in my program."
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Tools to Help You Advance Your Nursing Career
Springer Publishing's ExamPrepConnect platform gives students all the tools to succeed. Developed by expert advanced practice nurses and educators, this interactive platform helps you study smarter. With customized study plans, detailed lessons, flashcards, practice questions and tests, discussion boards, and games, ExamPrepConnect gives you the tools and confidence you need to pass the first time.
Free Quizzes for Advanced Practice Nursing Certification Exams
Test your knowledge with free advanced practice nursing certification exam practice questions and gauge how prepared you are for exam day, complete with detailed rationales.
For enrollments of 50 or more, ExamPrepConnect University Solutions offers ready-made assignments to integrate directly into your course and powerful analytics to help you support your students for success on professional exams.
Springer Publishing works with universities, associations, and healthcare institutions to help students and staff pass their certification exams. We provide powerful analytics and exam prep solutions for educational and staff development programs at every level.
Springer Publishing's ExamPrepConnect platform gives students all the tools to succeed. Developed by expert advanced practice nurses and educators, this interactive platform helps you study smarter. With customized study plans, detailed lessons, flashcards, practice questions and tests, discussion boards, and games, ExamPrepConnect gives you the tools and confidence you need to pass the first time.