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15 Things to Do Before Exam Day
Feb 20, 2019
Not only should you be prepared with the knowledge necessary for success on your certification exam, you should also know what you can do before exam day to help you walk into the room with confidence. Below, we cover 15 tips to ensure you’re as prepared as possible for exam day!
2. Make sure you do not study without a break for over 2 hours. The break should be about 10 minutes.
3. Avoid distractions while studying. Turn off the television, telephone, and music.
4. First focus on your most difficult subjects, these will take the most time.
5. Go to review sessions and pay attention to hints that the instructor may give about the test.
Take notes and ask questions about items you may be confused about.
6. Ask the instructor to specify the areas that will be emphasized on the test.
7. Go over any material from practice tests, sample problems, and review materials.
8. Try a study group.
9. Consider using a test-anxiety hypnosis CD and use it every night for at least 2 for maximum effect.
10. Increase your self-confidence (use guided imagery/visualization to decrease anxiety).
Think about how much you know and do not worry how much others know.
11. Manage your anxiety—different things work for different people!
12. Make sure that you get enough sleep a few nights before the exam, not just the night before.
13. Do not try to pull an “all-nighter.” Eight hours of sleep is recommended,
but get at least 6 hours so you will be rested well enough to focus during the test.
14. Set your alarm on the morning of the exam and set a backup alarm as well.
15. Know your route to the test site and how long it will take to get there at the appointed time
before exam day. Running late cause anxiety and can poorly affect your test-taking skills.
King, C. R., Gerard, S.O. (2016). Clinical Nurse Leader Certification Review, Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Leik, M. C. (2018). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review: Fast Facts and Practice Questions, Third Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Menzies Kent, K. (2014). Adult CCRN Certification Review. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Set up a regular study schedule, it can be daily or weekly.
2. Make sure you do not study without a break for over 2 hours. The break should be about 10 minutes.
3. Avoid distractions while studying. Turn off the television, telephone, and music.
4. First focus on your most difficult subjects, these will take the most time.
5. Go to review sessions and pay attention to hints that the instructor may give about the test.
Take notes and ask questions about items you may be confused about.
6. Ask the instructor to specify the areas that will be emphasized on the test.
7. Go over any material from practice tests, sample problems, and review materials.
8. Try a study group.
9. Consider using a test-anxiety hypnosis CD and use it every night for at least 2 for maximum effect.
10. Increase your self-confidence (use guided imagery/visualization to decrease anxiety).
Think about how much you know and do not worry how much others know.
11. Manage your anxiety—different things work for different people!
12. Make sure that you get enough sleep a few nights before the exam, not just the night before.
13. Do not try to pull an “all-nighter.” Eight hours of sleep is recommended,
but get at least 6 hours so you will be rested well enough to focus during the test.
14. Set your alarm on the morning of the exam and set a backup alarm as well.
15. Know your route to the test site and how long it will take to get there at the appointed time
before exam day. Running late cause anxiety and can poorly affect your test-taking skills.
King, C. R., Gerard, S.O. (2016). Clinical Nurse Leader Certification Review, Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Leik, M. C. (2018). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review: Fast Facts and Practice Questions, Third Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Menzies Kent, K. (2014). Adult CCRN Certification Review. New York: Springer Publishing Company.