Showcases assessments that specifically support the unique work of school counselors!
Written specifically for school counselors and those in training, this is the first book to highlight the use of assessment and data collection to effectively advocate for student success. It bridges the gap in relevant knowledge and skills by not only delineating the requirements for formulating a data-driven approach, but also presenting actual assessments that can immediately be implemented. Underscoring the professional and ethical responsibilities of practicing school counselors to be data-driven, the book delivers the guidance and instruments needed to access multiple levels of data. This includes individual student data, school-level data, school counseling program-level data, or data regarding the school counselors' practices or beliefs.
This practical, user-friendly book is organized step-by-step, starting with foundational knowledge and progressing towards application. It introduces readers to both formal and informal assessments and provides examples of how to integrate assessments within comprehensive school counseling programs (CSCP). It addresses a variety of approaches to assessments and data collection across the domains of academic, career, and social-emotional development, and examines needs assessment and program evaluation to drive the development and implementation of a CSCP. Additionally, the resource explains each type of data, reinforced with examples across domains and school levels. Also included are technology tools that can aid in the assessment and data collection process as well as accountability reporting.
Key Features:
- Provides specific, concrete steps for using assessment and data collection to advocate for student success and develop effective CSCPs
- Includes examples of data collection tools, assessments, charts, tables, and illustrations
- Delivers hands-on application tasks throughout
- Delineates valid and reliable instruments to bolster effectiveness
- Includes downloadable appendix with formal assessments and templates to complete tasks described throughout the text
- Landscape of the School Counseling Profession and the Importance of Assessment & Data Collection
- History of School Counseling
- Importance of Data Collection School Counseling
- 21st Century & Social Justice School Counseling
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain Systems of Supports
- Professional Development
- The Process of Assessment and Data Collection
- Relevance of Assessment and Data Collection
- Purpose of Assessment
- Process of Data Collection
- Best Practices for Successful Data Collection
- Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Conclusion
- Assessing the Development, Implementation, & Management of Your Comprehensive School Counseling Program
- Approaches to Comprehensive School Counselor Programs
- Self-Assessment
- Assessment Related to the ASCA National Model
- Conclusion
- Assessments to Support Data-Driven Direct Services
- Assessments Influence on Delivery of Services
- Assessments to Address the Academic Domain
- Assessments to Address the Career Domain
- Assessments to Address the Social-Emotional Domain
- Conclusion
- Data-Driven School Counseling Through Informal Assessment
- Needs Assessments and Program Evaluation
- Participation Data
- Mindsets & Behavior Data (Formerly Known as Perception Data)
- Outcome Data
- Pre-post Tests
- Conclusion
- Using Technology & Accountability Reports to Promote Your Comprehensive School Counseling Program
- Accountability Comes in Many Forms
- Tools to Aid in Data Collection
- Approaches to Documenting Your Accountability
- Best Practices for Showcasing Your Efforts
- Conclusion
Appendix A
Figures and Charts
Appendix B
Frequently used Acronyms

- Release Date: November 24, 2021
- Paperback / softback
- 180 Pages
- Trim Size: 6in x 9in
- Number of Illustrations: 10
- ISBN: 9780826185532
- eBook ISBN: 9780826185549