Journal Societies
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Springer Publishing Company Journals with Professional Society Partnerships
The following Springer Publishing Company journals are partnered with professional societies. Visit the journal page and click "Online Access" to read about member benefits.
- Clinical Lactation, the official publication of the United States Lactation Consultant Association
- Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, the official publication of the International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry
- Hispanic Health Care International, the official publication of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
- International Journal of Childbirth, the official publication of the International Confederation of Midwives
- Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, partnered with the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology
- Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, the official publication of EMDR International Association
- Neonatal Network, the official publication of the Academy of Neonatal Nursing
- Nursing History Review, the official publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing
- Rehabilitation Research, Education, and Policy, the official publication of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education
- The Journal of Perinatal Education, the official publication of Lamaze International