Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry (Individual Subscription, Online Only)
An International Journal of Critical Inquiry
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry (EHPP) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research reports, reviews, essays, commentaries, and case reports examining the ethical ramifications of unjust practices in psychiatry and psychology. As the official publication of the International Society of Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP), it supports ISEPP’s mission to use the standards of scientific inquiry and critical reasoning to address the ethics of psychology and psychiatry.
EHPP invites submissions from a range of disciplines, including health, humanistic, and indigenous psychology, child/adolescent, forensic, developmental, and geriatric psychiatry, social work, mental health counseling, and couple and family therapy. Mental health practices draw on and impact virtually every aspect of our society, including medicine, business, education, law, politics, and media. Thus, we welcome submissions from a broad range of specialties that critically examine the effects of these practices on practitioners, service users, and society as a whole.
EHPP fills a niche untouched by other psychology and psychiatry journals. Past issues have included articles examining the withdrawal effects of Prozac and Paxil, holistic preparation of soldiers for combat, psychiatric medicating of children, marketing tactics of pharmaceutical companies, involuntary psychiatric treatment, brain neuroplasticity, and the benefits of non-pharmacological intervention. EHPP publishes articles that employ both quantitative and qualitative methodologies as well as lived experience accounts and critical analyses. EHPP seeks to provide a space for high quality scholarship, ethical discourse, and the creation of new knowledge that contributes to a more just and humane society.
Visit Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry online on Springer Publishing Connect to view tables of contents or to subscribe.
"An absolutely essential journal for psychology and related fields. Every professional should read it."
- Dorothy Rowe, PhD, United Kingdom
"A godsend for independent-thinking professionals who want to help their clients become self-reliant human beings."
- Clemmont E. Vontress, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Counseling, George Washington University
"I am incredibly excited about ICSPP's journal which fills a critical gap. Nothing else like this exists. I am honored to be on the board with such esteemed and advanced-thinking individuals."
- Candace Pert, PhD, Research Professor, Georgetown University Medical Center
Donald R. Marks, Psy.D.,
Director of Clinical Training, Psy.D. Program
Advanced Studies in Psychology
Kean University
Union, NJ
Owner/Operator at Northern Psychiatric, Services,
Darwin, Australia
McKee Chair of Excellence
School of Education
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, TN
David Antonuccio, PhD
Professor: Emeritus
University of Nevada
Reno School of Medicine
Reno, NV
Fred Bemak, EdD
Director, Diversity Research and Action Consortium
College of Education and Human Development
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Fairfax, VA
Graham Dukes, MD, LLD
External Professor of Health Policy Studies
University of Oslo
Senior Consultant on Drug Policy
World Bank
Robert Foltz, PsyD
Associate Professor
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Chicago, IL
Albert Galves, PhD
Clinical Psychology
Private Practice
Las Cruces, NM
Giovanni de Girolamo, MD
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry
Department of Psychology,
Catholic University, Milan
Joseph Glenmullen, MD
Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Cambridge, MA
Bradley Hagen, PhD
University of Lethbridge
Faculty of Health Sciences
Lethbridge, Alberta
Noel Hunter, PhD
Private Practice
New York, NY
Grace Jackson, MD
Clinical and Forensic Consultant
Independent Researcher, Lecturer, and Clinician
Prior Affiliations: U.S. Navy, the North Carolina Department of Corrections, and the Veterans Administration
Winterville, NC
Delores Jankovich, MA, LMSW
Independent Contractor, Social Work
Mission, KS
Irving Kirsch, PhD
Lecturer on Medicine
Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies
Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
Jonathan Leo, PhD
Professor of Anatomy
Associate Dean of Students & Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
Harrogate, TN
Bruce Levine, PhD
Clinical Psychology
Private Practice; Journalist/Author
Cincinnati, OH
Joanna Moncrief, MD
Senior Lecturer
University College London
Founding member/Co-chairperson
Critical Psychiatry Network
Robert Morgan, PhD
Fellow of the American Psychological Association
(Divisions of Clinical, Psychotherapy, International, and Trauma Psychology)
Morgan Foundation Publishers
Albuquerque, NM
Burton Seitler, PhD
Private Practice
Clinical Psychology
Ridgewood, NJ
Robert Sliclen, PhD
Private Practice
Washington Twp, NJ
David Walker, PhD
Licensed Psychologist
Anisahon Consulting Services, PLLC
Seattle, WA
Noelene Weatherby-Fell, PhD
Coordinator, Master of Teaching Programs
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Education
University of Wollongong
Stephen E. Wong, PhD
Associate Professor
Florida International University
Miami, Fla
Peter R. Breggin, MD
Ginger Ross Breggin
Official Publication of the International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry
Visit Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry online on Springer Publishing Connect for Author Resources and Author Submission Guidelines under the Submit an Article tab.
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