Self-Archiving & Sharing Policies
Authors published in our journals can share their research by posting a draft copy of their article to a repository or similar website. There are some guidelines, which vary depending on the version you wish to share.
- • Authors can share their preprint anywhere at any time.
- • If accepted for publication, we encourage authors to link from the preprint to the final version of their article via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
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Accepted Manuscripts
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After a 12-month embargo period
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- • cite the journal and link to the formal publication via its DOI
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Published Journal Articles
Policies for sharing published journal articles differ for subscription/society and SPC Open articles:
Subscription/Society articles
- • Authors are asked to share a link to your article rather than the full-text
- • Authors may also share the final published version of their article privately with known students or colleagues for their personal use
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SPC Open Articles
- • Open access articles published in Springer Publishing owned journals are available under the terms of a Creative Commons user license. The standard license used for SPC Open articles is the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative (CC BY-NC-ND). This license allows readers to disseminate and reuse the article. This license does not permit reuse for any commercial purposes nor does it cover the reuse or modification of individual elements of the work in the creation of derivative works without first requesting and being granted permission by Springer Publishing.
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General Conditions
The above self-archiving and sharing policy for journal articles is for non-commercial and non-promotional research and study by individual users. Such use may not compromise the authors’ rights and must adhere to copyright policies.
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Updated June 2018