Press Releases & News
In Memoriam: Sheri Wynne Sussman November 27, 1956- September 11, 2020
Springer Publishing Company mourns the death of Sheri Sussman, long-time editor and jack of all trades.
Sheri spent over 20 years at Springer and left her mark on our publishing in the behavioral and health sciences including nursing—especially in the areas of gerontology and rehabilitation, two programs that were closest to her heart. Sheri’s tenure started at Springer under the tutelage of the late Ursula Springer and lasted through the sale of the company to the Mannheim Trust. Sheri’s ability to handle almost any challenge helped facilitate this transition and helped Springer to grow and thrive. Sheri was personally responsible for developing and nurturing two of the best-selling titles in the Springer catalog, Health Care Delivery in the United States and Grief Counseling.
Sheri rolled up her sleeves, jangled her myriad bracelets, and took on whatever was needed during her long history with the company. She started in marketing, did copyediting, proofreading, development, and served as managing editor for several encyclopedias before assuming her position as Executive Editor. She worked closely with Ursula Springer over many years, and her dedication to Ursula professionally and personally and her long-term dedication to Springer is important to recognize.
Externally, she has been a great ambassador for Springer, serving as our AAP/PSP Book Committee representative and presenting annual Springer-endowed awards in gerontology and geriatric nursing at GSA. She was ultimately named a GSA Fellow in recognition of her commitment and service to that organization.
Her colleagues appreciated her quick wit, compassion, humor, and absolutely individual sense of style. Sheri was a talented artist who always created unique and beautiful holiday cards and she loved socks and surprised each person with a crazy pair every Christmas. She was a dear and special person who will be missed by all who knew her.