Nursing, Nursing RN, Exam Prep
So, what’s the SCRN® exam like?
Jan 31, 2019
With excerpts from Stroke Certification Study Guide for Nurses, by Kathy Morrison MSN, RN, CNRN, SCRN
It pays to be mentally prepared for what’s to come on exam day! Here, we outline what you can expect—from format to timing and everything in between.
What is the SCRN Exam?
Offered by the American Board of Neuroscience Nursing (ABNN), the SCRN® credential was developed to promote excellence in the profession and offer assurance to healthcare employers and patients that one has the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to perform competently.
The SCRN® exam is offered through PSI Services (PSI), with certification valid for five years.
The Format
Offered as a computer-based test (CBT), the SCRN® exam format allows you to take the test in one sitting. Your Pass/Fail status, along with an explanation of your scaled score and passing scaled score, will be provided to you upon completion.
The Questions and Time
The exam features 170 multiple-choice questions with four answer options. Of the 170 questions you’ll encounter, only 150 will be counted toward your score; the additional 20 questions are pretest questions used to validate new questions for future exams. Keep in mind, you won’t know which questions are counted and which aren’t, so be sure to answer each one to the best of your ability!
Questions may be bookmarked for later review and can be changed as many times as necessary before the three hours is exhausted. The digital clock provided to you at the exam will keep you on track and informed of the time remaining.
The SCRN® exam tests three levels of knowledge: knowledge, interpretation, and problem solving and evaluation. Content is divided as follows:
Content | % of Exam |
Anatomy and physiology | 12 |
Preventive care | 10 |
Hyper-acute care | 20 |
Stroke diagnostics | 10 |
Acute care | 25 |
Medications | 10 |
Post-acute care | 8 |
Systems and quality care | 5 |
The Exam
You will be given the option to take a practice examination beforehand that won’t count toward your testing time. No questions may be asked during the exam, but don’t worry—there’s no penalty for guessing, so do try to answer every question!
The Results
Once you’ve finished your exam, your pass/fail score report will be presented onsite.
Successful candidates will get their certificates in the mail 4-6 weeks after finishing the exam.
Individuals who fail the exam may reapply to take it as often as they desire. The eligibility criteria must be met each time, along with a new application and fee.
About the SCRN® Credential | ABNN Certification. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Morrison, K. (2017). Stroke Certification Study Guide for Nurses (1st ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.