Nursing, Nursing RN, Exam Prep
So, What’s the Gerontology Nursing Exam Like?
Jan 22, 2019
With excerpts from Gerontological Nurse Certification Review, Second Edition, by Alison E. Kris RN, PhD
It pays to be mentally prepared for what’s to come on exam day! Here, we outline what you can expect on the RN Gerontology nursing exam—from format to timing and everything in between.
The RN Gerontology certification exam covers content knowledge and the application of professional nursing regarding gerontology at an entry-level competency and is updated regularly by the ANCC. Its purpose is to tell whether you’re competent to assess the strengths of older adults to facilitate their highest quality of life and, when appropriate, a “good death.”
The Format
Offered only as a computer-based exam, the ANCC exam format allows you to take the test in one sitting and get your score as soon as you’re finished. It is one inclusive exam featuring 175 multiple-choice questions with four possible answers (and only one correct one).
The Questions and Time
According to the ANCC, of the 175 questions you’ll encounter, only 150 will be counted toward your score; the additional 25 questions are “pilot” questions used to validate new questions for future exams.
ANCC Exam Domains
Topic Area | # of Questions | % of Questions |
Assessment | 26 | 17.33 |
Plan of Care | 35 | 23.33 |
Person-Centered Care | 43 | 28.67 |
Professional Practice | 21 | 14.00 |
Health Promotion | 25 | 16.67 |
TOTAL | 150 | 100% |
Click here to view the ANCC RN Gerontology Test Content Outline!
You will have 3.5 hours to complete the exam and no breaks are allotted. You’ll be able to take a restroom break according to the instructions given at the testing center; however, this time will be deducted from your 3.5-hour testing limit. No questions may be asked during the exam, but don’t worry—there’s no penalty for guessing, so do try to answer every question! You can always skip questions and come to them back later.
Also, be punctual: You must arrive 15 minutes before the test begins; if you don’t get there early, you forfeit your appointment and will have to reapply.
Click here to take our free practice quiz for the Gerontology nursing exam. For more study options, choose from our book and app products, featuring 500 practice questions to help you make the grade!
The Results
The RN Gerontology nursing exam is pass/fail and you’ll receive your results before leaving the testing center. If you fail, you’ll get a diagnostic explanation for each content area.
If you pass, you’ll be given a certificate, pin, and an identification card acknowledging ANCC certification within about eight weeks. Your certification is good for five years.
American Nurses Credentialing Center. (n.d.). Test Content Outline. Retrieved September 28, 2018, from
Kris, A. E. (2015). Gerontological Nurse Certification Review, Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing.