What is the Role of the Social Worker in an Emergency?
Your Role in Emergency Situations in a Nursing Facility
As a member of the interdisciplinary staff, the social worker is knowledgeable about the residents, their preferences, and their family members. The facility emergency plan lists a role for every staff member, including the social worker.
The social worker will be able to help during an emergency by:
- comforting residents who may become anxious or worried about the events
- assisting other staff in organizing food, clothing, and/or paperwork
- contacting families to assure them that residents are in good care and answering questions
- contacting additional volunteers to assist residents, if staff are unable to get to the facility
- assisting staff in caring for residents as needed
Disasters are particularly arduous on older adults who are already compromised by chronic ailments. The movement from one healthcare setting to another under the best of circumstances can be difficult, but under the pressure of emergency evacuation, it can be traumatic.
The social worker will be able to help during a disaster by:
- preparing each resident for the next steps
- making sure that all essential care items are sent with the person if a move is necessary
- ensuring that communication to the next setting is made completely and as smoothly as possible with appropriate follow-up
*Using checklists can be very helpful in situations like these.
There are multiple roles for the social worker before, during, and after a pandemic. When staff are occupied with care, the social worker can act as a liaison, help with information about resident status, and reinforce advocacy.
The social worker will be able to help during a pandemic by:
- respect families level of irritation without becoming impatient
- use the technique of “universalization,” which means we are all going through these frustrating times together
- make suggestions as to how families/others can maintain positive contact with the resident when quarantine prevents visits
- help the resident know that they are not forgotten
Your Role is Important
Your role as the social worker in a nursing facility is extremely important in creating order, appropriate communication, and care for the residents. If you'd like to learn more, read a free chapter or purchase your copy of A Guide for Nursing Home Social Workers, Third Edition.