What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Becoming a L&D Nurse
Aug 2, 2018
When I first became a labor and delivery nurse (L&D), I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into. I didn’t have children and I didn’t know anyone who did. I hadn’t even held a baby before! I had quite a long road of learning ahead of me. I loved every minute of my job, but internally, I was terrified and overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that was being thrown at me every day. After almost a year of being a L&D nurse I am beginning to feel confident and knowledgeable with my patients. Looking back, I wish someone had told me what my job would truly entail so that I would have been more prepared.
So for anyone out there who is interested in becoming a L&D nurse, or even is just curious about what our job is like, click here to read the complete list over at DailyNurse.