Nursing, Nursing RN, Exam Prep
Top 5 Things to Know for the Gero Exam
Jan 22, 2019
With excerpts from Gerontological Nurse Certification Review, Second Edition, by Alison E. Kris RN, PhD
Here, check out several insider tips specific to the Gerontological Nurse exam (a.k.a. Gero Exam) to keep in mind as you prepare!
- There is no penalty for guessing, so it is recommended that you answer each question. You can also always skip questions and come back to them later.
- The Gero exam covers general and frequently seen gerontological problems, not rare and exotic diseases.
- Be familiar with the common drugs used by older adults.
- You should know the frequently occurring adverse drug events for older adults and be able to apply the Modified Beers Criteria.
- You should know the normal laboratory results for the diseases that older adults commonly experience.
Keep these 5 tips in mind for the Gero exam and you'll have a greater chance of success on exam day.
Kris, A. E. (2015). Gerontological Nurse Certification Review, Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing.