Nutrition Pilot Seeks to Improve Nurses' Health
Aug 9, 2018
Every time you fly in an airplane, the flight attendant explains that, in a crisis, you need to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others—because you can’t help others unless you’re taken care of first. Unfortunately, with regard to their own health, nurses don’t follow this type of example.
According to a recent survey conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), about 75% of MUSC nurses admitted that they put their patients’ health, wellness, and safety before their own. In fact, they put their own well-being last. And even though nurses have quite a bit of knowledge about nutrition, they eat a 30% less nutritious diet than they should be.
Like they say in the air, you need to take care of yourself before you can truly care for others.
As a result, on June 13, MUSC launched a 60-day nutrition pilot that is designed to help nurses eat better and improve their eating habits with healthier food options. At three locations at MUSC, nurses will be able to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat daily by getting Simply-to-Go foods, which are healthful, fresh, seasonal, as well as locally sourced.
Andrea Coyle, MSN, MHA, RN, NE-BC, Professional Excellence and Magnet Program Director at MUSC, answered some questions about this program.
Read more on DailyNurse.