Nursing, Nursing Advanced Practice
Networking: You Are Who You Know
Networking - To some it comes naturally, to others (eh em, like me) not so much. While it feels 100% unnatural at first, it’s one of those things you have to do REGULARLY before it starts to feel more comfortable. Pick an event, live or virtual, get dressed, grab your business cards and let’s get through this together.
Rule #1:
BE YOURSELF. There is no need to turn on an ultra-corporate, all-knowing, fake version of you. You have a background, a career (even if it’s budding), opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. Embrace them and be your best self! It might be easiest to start out by leveraging people you know to extend into their networks, just be sure you don’t stick the people you know the whole time.
Rule #2:
ASK & LISTEN. People LOVE to talk about themselves. Keep a handful of easy questions or comments in your pocket to get the ball rolling. At a conference? Ask people what brought them there or about the key topics covered. Be prepared to share your answers too! At a dinner party? Ask about the food (did you try x yet? OMG, it’s delicious.) or how they heard about it/got invited. Compliments are great starters at any event, “I love your dress/purse.." pick anything!!
Rule #3:
KNOW YOUR PITCH. Try to avoid the elevator pitch conversations like the plague but let’s face it, it happens EVERY time. Have a quick 30 second explanation of who you are and what you do ready to avoid an awkward response.
Rule #4:
BRING YOUR BUSINESS CARDS. You’re not doing this for nothing. If you really connect with someone or see a business opportunity together it’s easiest to have your card ready to exchange. Be selective about who you exchange with because you’ll want to follow up with each person after the event whether on LinkedIn or by email and let them know how nice your conversation about XYZ was! Pro tip, jot a few notes on the back of their card for this purpose right after the conversation.
Want to learn more? Good news! This post was derived from Fast Facts for Career Success in Nursing: Making the Most of Mentoring in a Nutshell by Connie Vance, available now at This book provides you with invaluable advice on what attracts mentors and makes them believe in you and in turn want to support your development. Plus, save an extra 25% with promo code NEWNP! It's a win-win!
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