Supporting Breastfeeding Moms During Flu Season: A Guide for Healthcare Providers
Breastfeeding offers significant health benefits for both mother and baby, including enhanced immunity, but flu season presents unique concerns. This guide provides essential tips for healthcare professionals supporting breastfeeding moms in managing flu prevention, symptoms, and safe medication use.
1. Recommend the Flu Vaccine
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for all breastfeeding mothers, as it is safe and effective. Healthcare providers should actively encourage vaccination for both mothers and those around the baby. The vaccine not only reduces the mother’s risk of severe illness but also helps pass protective antibodies to the baby through breast milk. Be sure to discuss the benefits of maternal vaccination with your patients and address any concerns regarding its safety while breastfeeding.
2. Encourage Continuation of Breastfeeding
For breastfeeding moms who contract the flu, it’s important to reassure them that they can continue breastfeeding. Breast milk contains antibodies that can help protect the baby from infection, even if the mother is sick. Providers should emphasize that flu is not transmitted through breast milk and advise moms to continue nursing. Infant exposure to the virus will happen prior to the mother being aware that she is ill, so by the time you are aware the highest risk of transmitting the virus has already passed.
3. Guide on Safe Medication Use
When managing flu symptoms, it’s essential to help breastfeeding mothers choose medications that are safe for both them and their babies. Resources like Hale's Medications & Mothers' Milk provide updated information on the safety of various medications during breastfeeding. Encourage the use of medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever and aches and avoid the overuse of decongestants or combination cold medicines that may impact milk supply. Antiviral medications like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) are considered safe and should be prescribed if the flu is diagnosed early.
4. Stress the Importance of Hydration and Rest
Flu symptoms like fever and exhaustion can significantly impact a mother’s energy levels. Providers should emphasize the importance of staying hydrated and resting as much as possible to support both recovery and milk production. Suggest ways to help moms manage fatigue, such as breastfeeding while lying down, or arranging for extra help at home.
5. Reinforce Hygiene Practices
Encouraging proper hygiene practices can prevent the spread of the flu within the home. Providers should remind mothers to wash their hands frequently, wear a mask while breastfeeding or pumping if they have flu symptoms, and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. This advice is particularly important for protecting newborns, who are more vulnerable to complications from the flu.
6. Monitor Flu Symptoms in Babies
Newborns and infants are at high risk of severe complications from the flu. Healthcare providers should educate breastfeeding mothers on the signs of flu in infants, including fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and irritability. Providers must stress the importance of seeking immediate medical care if these symptoms appear in the baby, as early treatment can prevent more serious outcomes.
7. Consider Antiviral Treatment for Moms
For breastfeeding moms who contract the flu, early antiviral treatment can help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Providers should feel confident in prescribing antiviral medications like oseltamivir, which is poorly excreted in breast milk, with adverse effects unlikely, and is considered safe for both mothers and infants. Antivirals are most effective when administered within 48 hours of symptom onset, so prompt treatment is key. Consider subscribing to HalesMeds to ensure you recommend the safest medication practices to breastfeeding mothers.
Ensure a Safe Flu Season for Moms and Babies
Healthcare providers can help protect both mother and baby from the flu by promoting vaccination, guiding on safe medication use, and reinforcing proper hygiene and flu prevention practices. Stay informed with trusted resources like Hale's Medications & Mothers' Milk and HalesMeds to ensure that breastfeeding moms receive the best possible care during cold and flu season.