Nursing, Nursing Advanced Practice, Exam Prep
10 Tactics for Multiple-Choice Questions
Feb 20, 2019
Want an edge on answering the multiple-choice questions on your certification exam?
We’ve got 10 easy tactics to help you land your best score! Follow these tips for answering multiple choice questions correctly.
- One method of guessing is to look for a pattern. Pick the answer that does not fit the pattern.
- Be careful with certain words, such as “always,” “exactly,” “often,” “sometimes,” and “mostly.”
- If you are having problems choosing or understanding the answer options, try to read them from the bottom up (from option D to A or from 4 to 1).
- Eliminate the wrong answers after you read all the answer options. If an answer option contains all-inclusive words (“all,” “none,” “every,” “never,” “none”), then it is probably wrong.
- Pick the answer that you are most “attracted” to. Go with your gut feeling and do not change the answer unless you are very sure.
- Assume that each multiple choice question has enough information to answer it correctly. Questions and answers are carefully designed. Take the facts at face value.
- Save yourself time (and mental strain) by reading the last sentence (or stem) of long questions and case scenarios first. Then read the question again from the beginning. The advantage of this “backward reading” technique is that you know ahead of time what the question is asking for. When you read it again “normally,” it becomes easier to recognize important clues that will help you answer the question.
- Just because a statement or an answer is true does not mean that it is the correct answer. If it does not answer the stem of the question, then it is the wrong answer.
- Do not try to establish patterns, such as using “two As in a row” for answers. If there is a long scenario with a large amount of data, read the question first, then read the scenario, then reread the question. Sometimes there will be erroneous data that is not required to answer the question. Too much time may be spent on trying to comprehend the whole scenario.
Do not forget to reread the question to make sure you read it correctly the first time. - Read all answers before you make a choice; there may be more than one correct answer, but one will be the better answer for the question.
Do not choose the first multiple choice question that appears to be correct. Use the most correct answer.
King, C. R., Gerard, S. O. (2016). Clinical Nurse Leader Certification Review, Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Menzies Kent, K. (2014). Adult CCRN Certification Review. New York: Springer Publishing.