101 Careers in Education
Education is a rewarding area of work that provides some of the most diverse career opportunities of any field. Written by educators with real-world knowledge of the profession, this information-packed guide provides the career explorer with concise information on the necessary skills, training, certification/licensure, compensation, and employment outlook for over 100 careers in a wide range of education settings.
This book describes careers that range from working with very young children to positions in traditional K-12 schools to educating adults in organizational settings. It discusses careers suitable for those who enjoy working with people as well as careers for individuals who are more comfortable with information or ideas. A particularly useful feature is information about alternative paths to working in education for those with degrees in related service professions. Careers outside of traditional settings include work in adult education, independent education, business or government settings, community-based educational services, and part-time opportunities, to name a few. Special attention is paid to positions in STEM and educational technology, one of education's fastest-growing careers, and careers of leadership including management, innovation, and accountability. The authors also provide a guide to self-assessment that helps readers to learn about those careers that best match their interests and temperament. Interviews with education professionals in a variety of arenas, such as middle school foreign language teacher, special education teacher, Head Start coordinator, and college athletic director, offer an in-depth look at different career opportunities.
Key Features:
- Covers 101 careers including necessary skills, training, certification/licensure, compensation, and employment outlook
- Includes career options for new teachers, those changing careers within education, and those seeking education as a second career
- Includes many career options outside of traditional school settings
- Presents interviews with 23 individuals in different educational positions
- Provides self-assessment questions, information pertaining to professional development, and guidance on the job-search process
1 What Is a Career in Education?
2 Linking Talents and Passions to Careers in Education
3 Careers Working in Early Childhood Education
1. Preschool Teacher
2. Head Start Teacher
3. Early Childhood Classroom Consultant
Educator Profile: Kerry Frawley
4. Home Visitor
5. Parent Educator
4 Careers Working in K–12 Schools
6. Kindergarten Teacher
7. Second-Grade Teacher
Educator Profile: Erin DiPerna
8. Fifth-Grade Teacher
9. Elementary School Counselor
10. Elementary School Library Media Assistant
Educator Profile: Cindy Clement
11. Middle School Math Teacher
12. Middle School Science Teacher
13. Middle School Language Arts Teacher
14. Middle School Foreign Language Teacher
Educator Profile: Karen Wallace
15. Middle School Technology Teacher
16. Advanced Placement Calculus Teacher
17. Economics Teacher
18. High School Art Teacher
Educator Profile: Derek J. Carlson
19. High School Physics Teacher
20. High School Physical Education Teacher
21. High School Psychology Teacher
22. Advanced Placement English Literature Teacher
Educator Profile: Marianne Forman
23. High School Performing Arts Director
24. High School Band/Orchestra Director
5 Careers Working in Postsecondary Education
25. Teaching Assistant, College of Education
Educator Profile: Erin Seif
26. Graduate Assistant, College of Education
27. Lecturer
28. Technical College Instructor
29. Adjunct Professor
Educator Profile: My Lien
30. Tenure-Track Professor
31. Career Counselor
32. University Librarian
Educator Profile: Julie Fricke
6 Part-Time Careers in Education
33. Substitute Teacher
34. High School Coach
Educator Profile: Mike Van Antwerp
35. Activities Director
36. Student Council Advisor
37. Grant Writer
38. Tutor
7 Careers Working With Students With Special Needs
39. Early Intervention Specialist
40. Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
41. Paraprofessional—Autism Spectrum Disorder
Educator Profile: Michelle Carlson
42. Reading Specialist
43. Special Education Teacher—Autism Spectrum Disorder
44. Special Education Teacher—High-Incidence Disabilities: Resource/Inclusion
45. Special Education Teacher—Low-Incidence Disabilities
46. Special Education Teacher—Emotional Impairment
Educator Profile: Sheila Nash
47. Adapted Physical Education Teacher
48. Music/Art Therapist
49. Interpreter for the Hearing Impaired
50. English as a Second Language Teacher
Educator Profile: Mary Lou Turnbull
51. Bilingual Teacher
52. Overseas English Teacher
8 Careers Working Within Systems of Care for Students With Disabilities
53. Occupational/Physical Therapist
54. Response-to-Intervention Coordinator
55. School Psychologist
Educator Profile: John S. Carlson
56. School Social Worker
57. Speech and Language Pathologist
58. Gifted and Talented Coordinator
59. Educational Diagnostician
9 Careers Working in Educational Administration and Leadership
60. Preschool Director
61. Mental Health Coordinator
Educator Profile: Marta Kermiet
62. Head Start Health Manager
63. Day-Care Owner
64. School Principal
65. After-School Coordinator
66. Superintendent of Schools
Educator Profile: Richard L. Carlson
67. Director of Special Services
68. Director of Curriculum/Instructional Services
69. College/University Dean
70. Writing Center Director
71. Director of Admissions
72. University Athletic Director
Educator Profile: Don Maslinski
73. Office of Student Disabilities—Student Support Provider
74. Study-Abroad Coordinator
75. Career Counselor
10 Education-Related Careers in Community, Industry, and Government Settings
76. Religious Education Teacher
77. Summer Camp Counselor
78. Camp Director
Educator Profile: Kathy Jurichko
79. Prison Educator
80. Adult Educator
81. Health Educator
82. Educational Consultant/Professional Coach
Educator Profile: Regina Carey
83. Test Publisher
84. Corporate Trainer
85. Test Preparation Center Director
86. Book Editor
87. Historian
Educator Profile: Chad Carlson
88. Archivist
89. Science Museum Educator
90. Art Museum Education Director
91. National Parks Guide/Interpreter
92. Human Resource Manager
Educator Profile: Shelly Carlson
11 Careers Pertaining to Web-Based Learning and Educational Technology
93. Online Learning (High School Teacher)
94. School Technology Specialist
95. Chief Technology and Information Officer
Educator Profile: Diane Doersch
96. Web Designer
97. Instructional Designer
98. Online Degree Coordinator (University)
99. Multimedia Coordinator
100. E-Learning Developer
Educational Design Studio Director
Educator Profile: John Bell
12 Professional Development and Career Growth
13 The Job-Search Process: Resources and Approaches